NSGCB 451 Final Reflection University Of Phoenix

Nsgcb 451 final reflection instructions
Final Reflection
Health care professionals should comprehensively understand patient care and evolving needs to achieve the best outcomes. In the evolving practice, leadership remains a critical component of organizational success; it provides guidance and helps healthcare practitioners to address workplace issues. Besides, effective leadership helps health care professionals to adapt as situations necessitate. Different courses offer nurses diverse skills regarding patient care, leadership, policy, and other essential elements. Human resource management skills are crucial in health care organizations to ensure efficient care. The purpose of this reflection is to analyze the application of leadership in the organization and course assignments that I found beneficial.

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Application of Leadership Skills and Strategies and the Nurse as a Change Agent
Nurses work in complex environments and should adapt as the characteristics of the work environment change. Adaptation helps nurses to interact with the work environment and systems hence improving health outcomes (Irandoost et al., 2022). A situation where leadership skills and strategies would help me to adapt to change in the nursing profession is when the workload increases. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic increased patient visits and forced the reorganization of work schedules. Communication, mentorship, and motivation are crucial in such a situation to enable nurses to cope with the mental and physical burden of increased workloads and adapt effectively.
Health care organizations should evolve as the complexity of workplace issues increase. The 21st-century health care practice focuses on patient-centeredness and revolutionizing patient care to achieve high efficiency, patient satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness (Porter & Lee, 2018). Acting as a change agent in my work environment implies being committed to designing and implementing interventions for improving care outcomes. Mostly, organizational change is achieved through excellent leadership and integrating evidence-based practice (Rousseau & ten Have, 2022). Continuous change improves care outcomes progressively, which aligns with the organization’s desire to improve patient care, productivity, and competitiveness as time advances. Visionary leadership is crucial during practice change since change agents must understand the scope of change and motivate health care teams and stakeholders to support it.
Beneficial Assignments and Additional Learning Experiences
Different assignments explore a student’s competencies in varying areas. A comprehensive understanding and expression of classroom concepts exemplifies readiness to implement them in actual practice. One of the assignments that I found highly beneficial is the leadership change project. The assignment explores what leadership entails, the connection between leadership and change management, and the application of lean system health care, among other concepts. The lean model/lean management focuses on waste prevention hence high efficiency (Mahmoud et al., 2021). The other beneficial assignment is the leadership and organizational theories assignment. It discusses different theories and their application in organizational change, among other areas.
Diversification of learning experiences improves nurses’ knowledge and prepares them for the complexities characterizing the advancing practice. Among many concepts, the course should cover emerging challenges in the work environment and the role of leadership in addressing them. Inevitably, disruptions through technology, changes in the nursing landscape, and the nursing shortage will continue affecting patient care multi-dimensionally. As a result, nurses and nurse leaders should be mentally and physically prepared to address current and emerging challenges.
Positive outcomes in the nursing practice can only be achieved through excellent leadership and skills development over time. The course improves nurses’ skills in many crucial areas and ensures they are ready for patient care, leading change, and managing resources. As change agents, nurses should also be excellent and committed leaders. Overall, the course is valuable for personal and professional development, and implementing its concepts is a foundation for satisfactory patient care.
Irandoost, S. F., Yoosefi Lebni, J., Safari, H., Khorami, F., Ahmadi, S., Soofizad, G., & Ebadi Fard Azar, F. (2022). Explaining the challenges and adaptation strategies of nurses in caring for patients with COVID-19: a qualitative study in Iran. BMC nursing, 21(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-022-00937-8
Mahmoud, Z., Angelé-Halgand, N., Churruca, K., Ellis, L. A., & Braithwaite, J. (2021). The impact of lean management on frontline healthcare professionals: a scoping review of the literature. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 383. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06344-0
Porter, M. E., & Lee, T. H. (2018). What 21st century health care should learn from 20th century business. NEJM Catalyst, 4(5). https://catalyst.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/CAT.18.0098
Rousseau, D. M., & ten Have, S. (2022). Evidence-based change management. Organizational Dynamics, 51(3), 100899. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgdyn.2022.100899
NSGCB/451 Final Course Reflection Questions
Starting in Week 15, you will have access to submit your reflection responses for all your courses due in Week 16. If this is not the last course you are working on, take time before moving on to the next course to draft responses to the following questions. When Week 16 arrives, you will be ready to submit your responses to all your courses.
Reflect on the 3 competencies of this course:
Competency 1
Explain leadership and organizational theories as they apply to professional nursing.
Competency 2
Explain the relationship between resource management and providing quality services in the nursing profession.
Competency 3
Apply leadership and strategies to become change agents in their nursing practice.
Consider how these competencies might directly apply to your life and work environment when answering the questions below.
Question #1
Think of a situation in which the application of leadership skills and strategies could help you adapt to change in the nursing profession. How could acting as a change agent in your own work environment better align the needs of your organization with 21st-century health care practice?
Question #2
What specific assignments or learning activities from this course did you find particularly beneficial? What do you feel could have been improved or added to your learning experience in this course?

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