NR 439 Week 5 Discussion: Samples And Data Collection

NR 439 Week 5 Discussion: Samples and Data Collection
NR 439 Week 5 Discussion: Samples and Data Collection
You mentioned the nursing faculty shortage so I will throw my 2 cents in here.
In most states, including Illinois where I live, you need an MSN to teach nursing.  Some states allow a BSN to teach clinical or skills lab to ADN students, but not Illinois.  In many universities, you need a doctorate or be actively pursuing it to teach nursing.
Entry-level college professors with a DOCTORATE make an average of $70,000 annually.  To earn this money at a university, in addition to their teaching workload, they have to conduct and publish research, sit on committees and advise students.

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Now, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out how much a nurse has to spend to get an MSN and then a doctorate.  Spending all that money in order to earn $70,000 a year?  Many BEDSIDE nurses with a BSN earn that much or more!  A nurse with an MSN can earn way more than that in administration or as a clinical educator or a nurse practitioner.
Not to bash any other field, but what are most people with a doctorate in English or History or Math going to do with it except teach, or work outside of their field?  Nurses with higher-level degrees have so many more opportunities.  You have to really love teaching, or have some other reason to teach, to take a job as faculty.
Thanks for sharing with the class! (Links to an external site.)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! The link that you provided is very informational. It was something I want to look into it for a long time. I also have read several articles regards to the cause of the phenomena. It appears that the cause of it is complicated.  
My mom was a teacher. There were 4 teachers/instructors in her generation in my family. There are only two in my generation. For the very reason you mentioned, my cousin who is a full-time college professor in Hong Kong decides to stay single. So that he can enjoy teaching and doing research, and not to worry about crowding his quality of living life.
I remember many of my teachers in my primary school some 40 years ago. When people talked the profession of teaching, they often said the poor teacher. This is exactly like you said, “you have to really love teaching” to stay in the job. I am thankful that God put these wonderful teachers in my life. Their passionate love of teaching helps me and so many others to develop into who we are today.
I also want to thank you for investing so much time into helping me and our class to learn, giving constructive feedback, and providing such an encouraging learning environment. You and those who teach with enthusiastic are the most respected!
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You are absolutely correct in regards to nursing school availability.  There are numerous private nursing schools that have become available.  However, I feel  the quality of the education in the smaller private schools is inadequate.  Or should I say too condensed. The time spent in the specialty areas is too short, supervision and support from the instructors is lacking. Students are turning to these smaller private schools because of wait list for Cal-State Universities which are up to a 1-1 ½ years.  The cost of private nursing schools however is expensive,   100,000.00 or more with high interest rates.  Students and their families are financing their education, getting students into debt that will be hard to manage.

Urban RNs have higher levels of educationcompared to rural RNs. Urban: 46.6% have abachelor’s, 11.4% a master’s or doctoral degree. Rural: 33.9% and 6.8%, respectively.

I found it interesting that rural nurses have less education than urban nurses. I wondered if maybe the requirements for the hospitals are different. The hospitals in urban areas are usually a higher level of care than those in rural areas. In my rural hospital, We have 256 beds compared to the 886 beds that the nearest big city has. There would more money for the hospital in the city because of the number of patients who require inpatient services. I wonder if all of this would give the hospitals in the city more funding to be able to offer their nurses better compensation for continuing their education. 
You were right on the mark when you said “On one hand, it has been great shortages of RNs in work force, but on the other hand, there is not enough school for people who has interest becoming a nurse to get nursing education due to teaching staff storage”. This is so true, especially in my area. The local nursing schools are starving for instructors. The program I completed just lost 50% of their nursing staff and is on the verge of having a big problem and possibly cutting their class size in half. The need is there for sure, but the money unfortunately is not. Therefore, the nurses are better off working as bedside nurses or going forward for their NP to make a good hourly wage. As an RN in my hospital, a nurse starting out would make $30, at the local college they would start out making $25- $26 an hour as an experienced nurse. Nursing is not all about money, but to pay off student debt and live comfortably it is a necessary part of life. Good job on your post. 
American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, Salaries, Education, Demographics & Trends. (Links to an external site.)
When you talk about private nursing schools; are you talking about just small private colleges in general?  Around me there are many small colleges with good nursing programs, so I am curious why you feel the quality of the education is lacking.  When I decided to go back to nursing school after I graduated from a 4 year university with a different degree I looked into many options.  As you said, cost was one of the top factors, and many of these schools were going to require me to retake humanities classes when I had just graduated.  I also looked into an accelerated bachelors program.  I ultimately chose the community college near me; because the nursing school had a great reputation.  Several of the small schools I looked into also did their clinicals on my unit at work, so I often observed how their day went; and I can say that even though I was “just” getting an associates degree, we were held to a much higher standard than some of these schools.  My hospital was starting to put a freeze on hiring associate degree nurses and I don’t agree with this.  Especially when you see the numbers in reports like this one about the shortage we are, and will continue to be facing.  I know this is often done for magnet status, but often times ADN students are older and in a career change.  They have life experience behind them along with their nursing license.  
Thanks for the insight and for what you do. Personally, I love to teach, and it’s definitely one of my strengths at work. Often, I put together presentations for other nurses, doctors, and allied professionals. Many of my lectures are usually to groups less than 10 . I have done lectures for groups as large as 100 people. I love being considered a strong resource at my job. I have always thought about pursuing a career in teaching, but have specifically avoided it due to the compensation being much less than I currently make. Also, the amount of time and costs associated with obtaining an advanced degree it’s pretty daunting. The thought of pursuing a doctorate sounds great in theory, but it would definitely not meet my financial needs. At least I am afforded the option to utilize my teaching skills on a daily basis.  Compensation is definitely a barrier for those seeking to advance their nursing careers as educators. I often hear the same thing from many of my coworkers that have been in nursing for a long time. You can always hear them say “why would I do that if it pays less”? I firmly believe that educators should be paid more. 
Some of the key characteristics and attributes noted in the article ANA Fast Facts are growth rate, needs, and salary of nurses. It continues to point out opportunities that nurses have in different areas referencing salary and population.  According to U.S. Dept. of Bureau of Labor Statistics, RN ranks first of all occupations requiring at least an associate’s degree for entry.
I feel the purpose of this article is to acknowledge the proposed rising need for Registered Nurses until 2022 pointing out the benefits of salary as incentive. It references advanced practice nurses growing along with Registered Nurses. What I found interesting was that the American Association of Colleges of nursing states that, “New BSN graduates employed in nursing 4-to-6 months after graduation is 89%.”  On a personal level, I like that this number is high as I feel we have an obligation to educate, prepare, and groom our upcoming colleagues to the best of our ability.
“The instruments and tools that we use to collect data need to be reliable and valid.” Reliability and validity are concepts used to evaluate the quality of research, Reliability is how accurate our information is and about the consistency of a measure.  Validity relates to its accuracy. Both are important as they work together to indicate how well a method, technique or test measures something.
U.S. Dept. of Bureau of Labor Statistics
American Association of Colleges of Nursing

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