Health Informatics: An Interprofessional Approach Discussion Questions – assignmenthandlers

Health Informatics: An Interprofessional Approach Discussion Questions
MOD 3 discussion post

Create a 200 to 300 word discussion post that addresses the following:

Choose one discussion question to answer from the end of each of the assigned chapters. The following information should be included in your answer:

Chapter number and question.

Supporting statements from the readings or literature presented in Module 3.

Use APA format for references.

Health Informatics: An Interprofessional Approach:

Chapter 13: The Evolving ePatient

Chapter 14: Digital Health, Managing Health and Wellness
Chapter 15: Personal Health Records

Chapter 16: Social Media Tools for Health Informatics

Discussion Questions

Discuss reasons why clinicians may be reluctant to change their current practice to accommodate the principles of participatory medicine.


What ethical concerns do you have about the sharing of health data online?


Considering today’s privacy rules, how can you be expected to maintain confidentiality when patients are sharing data so freely? How might privacy rules evolve?


Defend or refute the following: Patients should have real-time access to all information in their health records, including narrative notes.


How can we narrow the gap between technology “haves” and “have-nots”?


Develop strategies for working with ePatients and using patient-generated health data in your personal practice and consider if those strategies would be acceptable in your work setting.


Debate this statement: Employers who contribute to the cost of employee health insurance can require employees to monitor certain health parameters or pay a higher premium to maintain coverage.


If you believe that participatory healthcare should become the standard of care, what policy and legislative changes are needed to make that a reality?


Create a vision for the model of healthcare you want in place by 2025. What is the single most important characteristic of your vision on which you are unwilling to compromise?


In the interest of public health, shouldn’t all capable patients be expected to monitor their health using accessible tools? What, if any, are the unintended consequences of that expectation?

Discussion Questions

Describe the components of an mHealth intervention to support a patient with a chronic condition.


What are the strengths of using mHealth technologies in clinical practice?


What are the barriers to using mHealth technologies in clinical practice?


Explain risks involved in using mHealth technology. 5. How can mHealth technologies be used to support patient care? 6. How might mHealth change the patient–provider relationship?

Health Informatics: An Interprofessional Approach Discussion Questions  CH15
Discussion Questions

In addition to those trends discussed in the chapter, what societal and technological trends do you see that might promote increased adoption and use of PHRs?


What specific types of data or functions do you think would draw people who are not current PHR users to adopt and use the PHR? How do you think this might vary by user attributes (e.g., age, disease status, health literacy)?


Examine information on the web about PHRs and current health policies. What new information did you discover and how will this information affect the adoption and use of PHRs?


In your health organization, what are the main barriers to PHR implementation, adoption, and use?


What are the technical implementation considerations that should be considered prior to the deployment of a new PHR?


Thinking about the quadruple aim, what is the nurse’s role in improving the health of populations to engage populations in understanding information about their health and how to access health information resources? How does PHR management affect the nurse’s experience as a health care worker?


In thinking about a PHR that patients can use to annotate their EHR data (e.g., comment on the problem list), what steps do you think patients will take to correct their data? What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of such a system would be?


Examine the PHRs that are available to you: what are their relative benefits and disadvantages?

Discussion Questions

What are the strengths of using social media platforms in healthcare?


What are the challenges of using social media platforms in healthcare?


Why are healthcare professionals slow to adopt social media as a tool in healthcare?


How can social media be leveraged to drive positive health outcomes?


What are the key questions that the C-suite executives (CEO, CFO, CNO, CIO) within a healthcare organization should ask about using social media platforms?


How does social media affect the relationship between patients and their healthcare providers?


How does/can social media platforms contribute to patient-centered care?


How can academic institutions prepare future healthcare professionals on how to use social media platforms?


Describe networked individualism and the benefits for one’s healthcare.


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