Exp22_excel_ch07_cum_hottubs | Computer Science homework help


#Exp22 Excel Ch07 Cum HotTubs 

#Excel Chapter 7 Cumulative – Ultimate Hot Tubs 


Project Description:

You are a data analyst for Ultimate Hot Tubs, which has locations in five states. You want to analyze sample sales data and create a map to indicate sales by state. In addition, you want to create a loan amortization template that can be used to show customers.

Steps to Perform:


Start Excel. Download and open   the file named Exp22_Excel_Ch07_Cum_HotTubs.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


Your first task is to use date   functions to identify the day of the week each order was placed.

  In cell D2, insert the WEEKDAY function to return the serial number   representing the weekday that the first hot tub was ordered (cell E2). Copy   the function to the range D3:D12.


The result of the WEEKDAY   function is a serial number. You will format it to display as a day of the   week and left-align the results.

  Select the range D2:D12. Apply a custom number format dddd to display the actual weekday.   Apply Left horizontal alignment.


You want to calculate the number   of days between the order date and date the store received the hot tub.

  In cell G2, insert the DAYS function to calculate the number of days between   the Date Ordered and Date Received for the first hot tub. Apply Center horizontal   alignment. Copy the function to the range G3:G12.


Next you will use logical   functions. First, you will use the SWITCH function to switch the codes PD and   CR for Paid in Full and Credit, respectively.

  In cell C2, insert the SWITCH function to evaluate the first value in the   Code column. Switch PD for Paid in Full and switch CR for Credit. Use text strings for the last four function arguments. Copy the   function to the range C3:C12. 


Now, you will issue a store   credit toward cleaning supplies if orders took over 45 or 70 days as a   goodwill gesture.

  In cell I2, insert the IFS function. Evaluate if the Days for the first hot   tub order was greater than 70. If so, return $100. If the Days for the hot   tub was greater than 40, return $50. Otherwise, return $0. Use cell   references to the criteria thresholds and store credits located in the range   H15:I16. Use relative and mixed references correctly. Copy the function to   the range I3:I12.


Finally, you will create a   nested IF function that displays Send Gift Basket for customers who bought   either the Luxury or Serenity model and paid in full.

  In cell J2, insert an IF function with a nested AND function with a nested OR   function. The function should display Send Gift Basket if these conditions are met:   (1) the model was either Luxury or Serenity and (2) the hot tab was Paid in Full. If the conditions are false,   use an empty text string “”. Use text within the arguments and   appropriate relative cell references. Copy the function to the range J3:J12.


Your assistant created a section   for summary statistics below the main dataset. You will calculate the average   number of days between the order and received dates.

  In cell B15, insert the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average number of   days for the Luxury model. Use mixed references to the range and criteria   range. Use a relative reference to cell A15 that contains the model name. Do   not type text as the criteria argument. Apply Number format with 0 decimal   places and apply Center horizontal alignment. Copy the function to the range   B16:B17 and preserve the existing border in cell B17.



In cell C15, insert the COUNTIF   function to calculate the quantity of each hot tub model. Use mixed   references for the range and a relative reference to the first model in cell   A15. Apply Center horizontal alignment. Copy the function to the range   C16:C17 and preserve the existing border in cell C17.


Now, you will identify the   highest price for the Luxury hot tub model.

  In cell E15, insert the MAXIFS function to calculate the highest-price Luxury   model purchased on credit. Use mixed references to the range and criteria   range arguments. Use a relative reference to the model name in cell A15. Use   a mixed reference to the word Credit in cell E14.


Now, you will identify the   average price for the Serenity hot tub model.

  Copy the function in cell E15 to cell E16 and preserve the existing border in   cell E16. Edit the function in cell E16 to calculate the average price of the   Serenity model purchased on credit. If you used correct mixed and relative   references in the original function, the only edit is to change the function   name to AVERAGEIFS.



Now, you are ready to enter the   last conditional formula.

  Copy the function in cell E15 to cell E17 and preserve the existing border in   cell E17. Edit the function in cell E17 to calculate the lowest price of the   Bubbles model purchased on credit. If you used correct mixed and relative   references in the original function, the only edit is to change the function   name to MINIFS.


Your assistant created a list to   summarize the annual sales for the top five states. You will create a map to   visually depict the data.

  Display the Map worksheet. Select the range A3:B8 and insert a map. Cut the   map and paste it in cell D1.


Change the map title to Annual Hot   Tub Sales and   apply Blue, Accent 5, Darker 50% font color to the chart title.


You will add the final touches   to the map.

  Set 2.8″ height and 4.6″ width. Show all data labels.


Customers often want to see a   breakdown of loan payments. Your assistant started a loan amortization table   for you. Now, you are ready to complete it. First, you will calculate the   APR.

  Display the Loan worksheet. In cell B3, insert the RATE function. Use the   cell references to the price, term, and monthly payment. Multiple the result   by 12 using a cell reference to calculate the APR. Make sure the function   returns a positive value.


Next, you want to enter the due   dates.

  In cell A8, insert the EDATE function to return the next month’s payment due   date. Copy the function to the range A9:A18.


Now, you want to format the   results of the EDATE function.

  Select the range A8:A18. Apply the Short Date number format, Align Right   horizontal alignment, and indent once. 


In cell E1, insert the CUMIPMT   function to calculate the cumulative interest. Use cell references to   calculate the periodic rate, nper, present value (price) starting period, and   ending period. Make sure the function returns a positive value.


In cell E2, insert the CUMPRINC   function to calculate the cumulative principal through the sixth month   payment. Use cell references for all arguments. Make sure the function   returns a positive value.


You are ready to enter a formula   to calculate interest payments.

  In cell C7, insert the IPMT function to calculate the first month’s interest   payment. Use relative and mixed cell references correctly. Copy the function   to the range C8:C18.


Now, you are ready to insert a   function to calculate principal payment.

  In cell D7, insert the PPMT function to calculate the first month’s   principal. Use relative and mixed cell references correctly. Copy the   function to the range D8:D18.


The last column will display the   remaining balance after each payment.

  In cell E7, insert a formula to calculate the remaining balance by   subtracting the first principal repayment from the original price. Insert a   formula in cell E8 to calculate the remaining balance by subtracting the   second principal repayment from the first month’s remaining balance. Copy the   formula to the range E9:E18.


Format the range C7:E18 with   Accounting Number Format.


Save and close Exp22_Excel_Ch07_Cum_HotTubs.xlsx. Exit   Excel. Submit the file as directed.

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