Diversity and culture | Nursing homework help


In terms of the change model (unfreezing, change, and freezing) what internal and external forces might resist the implementation of each of the following in a professional organization: instituting mandatory diversity training for all employees, appointing a chief diversity officer, and initiating applications for diversity awards. program? 
Now that you have learned about diversity equity and inclusion, implicit bias and microaggressions, what have you learned about yourself? The list of primary and secondary aspects of diversity include: Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Physical and Mental Challenges, Social Class, Religion, Appearance, Language and Military Service. Of all of the aspects of diversity, which so far have affected your life the most? What examples can you provide to substantiate your answer? Do you think these may change in importance during your lifetime? Why or why not?
Access the article by Ornstein, A. C. (2017). Social justice: History, purpose and meaning. Society, 54(6), 541–548 found in the Additional Materials for this module. Read “The Meaning of Social Justice” on pages 546-548. The author identifies 30 basic principles that should be considered as a framework for defining social justice. Select five (5) of the 30 basic principles and discuss why they are important to you. How are they significant to others? What groups are impacted when they are not initiated? Do you think all people should be committed to provide a fair chance for everyone to succeed and develop their abilities and talents; why or why not? What are some recommendations for improving social injustices in the United States?


Part II:

Select a current social justice issue that has been in the news, on social media, or in the newspaper that may impact employees in an organization. Address the issue and what strategies you would use if you were asked to be a champion of change for your selected issue. 

Some of the most pressing social justice issues are:

Voting rights.
Climate justice
Healthcare lack of access and disparities
Refugee crisis and immigrations (children separated from parents at the border)
Racial Injustice
Income Gap
Gun Violence
Hunger and food insecurity

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