Communism and the cuban embargo (international relations)

In the years following World War II, the world became divided between the United States and its Democratic allies and the (former) Soviet Union and its Communist allies. This “Cold War” lasted some 45 year – until the opening of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s.

However, Communist regimes continue to exist in the world – most notably China and Cuba. Let’s discuss U.S. relations with Cuba (a communist nation located in our hemisphere)…

The United States has maintained an economic trade embargo against the island nation since the early 1960’s – the longest trade embargo in modern history. Entitled the Cuban Democracy Act, the embargo was codified into law in 1992 with the stated purpose of maintaining sanctions on the Cuba as long as it continues to refuse to move toward “democratization and greater respect for human rights”.

You can read more about the history of the embargo by clicking on the following link:

Some believe it is time to “lift” the embargo (at least certain restrictions on travel between the U.S. and Cuba), and normalize relations with Cuba – even though the country remains committed to a Communist political ideology.

Now, discuss all of the following…in APA and site references correctly

1. What are your views on this issue? Should the U.S. “lift” OR continue the economic embargo against Cuba? Provide a clear and consistent rationale for your response.

2. Are there certain conditions that must be met in order for the U.S. to lift all or part of the embargo? If so, what are these conditions?

3. As the “Leader of the Free World”, does the United States have the right to dictate the terms of Cuba’s human rights policy? Keep in mind that, according to the CIA, “Cuba is principally a source country for women and children trafficked within the country for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation”.

4. Should the U.S. be concerned that Cuba maintains strong diplomatic relations with Venezuela – whose President (Hugo Chavez) is a major antagonist to the United States?

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