Assessment 2 instructions: assessing priorities and planning for

Write a 5-7 page internal report that assesses specific change factors you have observed within a selected organization to determine a specific change recommendation and the potential benefits that would come with its implementation.
It is important to be able to accurately diagnose the higher priority needs for change in organizations and to develop a high-level process for initiating that change. In this assessment, you will analyze the factors driving change and how these change factors impact an organization of your choice. The emphasis here is not on how to change but on what to change and why.
Do the following:

Choose an organization. This can be where you currently work or an organization with which you are familiar.
Select a change model that best applies to a change needed in your selected organization. If you are unfamiliar with organizational change models, you may choose to use those in the Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit text.
Research your selected change model and John Kotter’s 8-step model. Use the Capella University Library to find three to five resources to support your assessment.

After your recent success heading up a staff development initiative, your supervisor’s boss has asked that you devote part of your time each week to supporting a task force that explores opportunities for positive change within the organization. After an initial orientation meeting with the rest of the change task force, you have been asked to create an internal report in which you assess specific change factors that you have observed within the organization to determine a specific change recommendation and the potential benefits that would come with its implementation.
Your Role
Imagine that you work in any organization you choose in any position you like. For the sake of simplicity, you may choose to imagine your present position at a company where you already work. Whatever your other responsibilities, you are now also tasked with providing change leadership within the organization.
Using Kotter’s 8-step model and one other change model of your choice, write a report in which you analyze aspects of the change needed for your chosen organization. Include the following in your analysis:

Describe a change challenge facing the selected organization to sustain success.
List the factors that are driving change for this selected organization.
Identify the type of change that is needed for the selected organization.

You may find Figure 3.1 in the Mastering the Challenges of Leading Change text useful for this identification.

Assess the organization’s readiness for change and ways to heighten awareness. Use the force field analysis model for this assessment. You may use the Force Field Analysis Template [DOC] to guide your work.
Articulate recommendations for change for the selected organization. These are recommendations you would eventually deliver to the organization’s executive leadership team. Make sure you support your recommendations with research. Remember, the emphasis here is not on how to change but on what to change, and why.

Your analysis should be written coherently to support a central idea, in appropriate APA format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.
Deliverable Format
In your last meeting with the rest of the change task force, it was collectively agreed that your recommendation would take the form of an internal report that could be shared with other stakeholders within the company. This report should be 5–7 pages, so that you have enough space to develop your ideas and provide some academic support. Since you plan to share your report with the rest of the change task force, your supervisor’s boss, and other internal stakeholders, you want this document to be well organized and readable.
Internal Report requirements:

References: Support the analysis in your report with 3–5 academic resources from the Capella University Library. You must use proper APA style to list your references.
Length: 5–7 pages, in addition to the references list.
Written communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills through accurate communication of thoughts that convey the overall goals of the analysis and do not detract from the message.
Formatting: Use APA formatting, including correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no extra line spaces before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, one-inch margins all around, and no bullets.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Assess the complex and dynamic nature of organizational change.

Describe a change challenge facing the selected organization to sustain success.
List the factors that are driving this selected organization’s change.

Competency 2: Analyze ways in which leaders and managers can effectively initiate, shape, and support organizational change.

Assess the organization’s readiness for change and ways to heighten awareness.

Competency 3: Analyze the processes of change in people, groups, and organizations.

Describes the type of change that is needed for the selected organization.
Articulate recommendations for change for the selected organization.

Competency 5: Communicate effectively in a professional manner.

Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for business professionals.

Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if he or she were your immediate supervisor. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.

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