Research notebook | ENG 122 English Composition II | Ashford University

This week, the research notebook will focus on how to outline. Before you begin, please review the Writing Center resources Outlining  (Links to an external site.)and Making Your Writing Flow (Links to an external site.).
In the Week 3 Research Notebook you will

Reflect on the form and uses of an outline.
Consider how to develop your outline using writing that flows.

Follow the steps outlined below to complete this week’s research notebook:

Download the Week 3 Research Notebook template  download, which has been provided for you in a Word document. Please note that you can choose to print out the template and mark it up as long as you can scan it back into your computer for submission in Canvas by Day 7.
Save the file to your computer (desktop or a folder).
Click on the “Submit Assignment” button to submit. When you have finished uploading your document, click on the subsequent “Submit Assignment” so your instructor may receive your document for grading.

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