HSNCB 476 Politics And Health Care University Of Phoenix

HSNCB 476 Reflection

1) Politics and Health Care 

What on-ramps exist for politics to enter health care? 

Changes in tax legislation, limits on employment and consumer protection, and insurance requirements are only a few political-related variables that might have an impact on healthcare. For instance, a plan may need to be modified in response to a change in tax law to either benefit from increasing government healthcare expenditure or consider decreasing government subsidies. Changes to the employment act, such as the 2016 bill that increased employee overtime regulations, may significantly alter staffing and overtime duties (Sparkes et al., 2019). 

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Do you agree or disagree that politics is the arena for the fight about the issue of who is responsible for financing health care? Provide evidence for your position.

Reforming health funding is a naturally political process that modifies how resources are distributed both inside and outside of the health sector (IHI, 2019). As a result, changes in health finance policy affect several institutions and stakeholders, which might result in political issues and disputes. The examination and management of these political problems must be included in reform procedures as nations seek health funding policies that promote advancement toward Universal Health Coverage. For instance, public spending in the United States in 2017 accounted for 45% of total healthcare costs, or around 8 percent of the total GDP (World Health Organization, 2021). The federal government spent 28% of its budget on healthcare. Federal revenues fund public insurance programs including Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare are the main public financing sources for health insurance.         

Should you become politically active to fight for patients who need your care? 

It is our duty as nurse practitioners to have a major influence on international politics and policy. Yet, it is true that nurses have an ethical and professional obligation to take part in legislation that has an impact on their patients (Wilson et al., 2021). When nurse practitioners influence the politics that enhance the provision of medical care, they are essentially advocating for their patients. By assuming leadership positions within the healthcare system or corresponding with elected authorities about laws impacting the sector, nurses can become politically involved locally. In addition to participating in city councils and committees and perhaps running for local office, nurses can pursue professional political training. Even something as simple as exercising one’s right to vote, though, may have an impact on healthcare policy. Nurses can get involved in state and federal politics and policy by joining an established nursing association. These organizations routinely send lobbyists to Capitol Hill to bring up issues about nursing. Nurses can also write to their state representatives about healthcare policy.

2) Health Care System Change 

What is 1 change you think needs to be made in the current healthcare system?

We have long requested that individuals seek our assistance in the medical field. We must completely alter our way of thinking and put the needs of the consumer first. People require care closer to where they live. To do that, care delivery must strive to meet patients where they are. The fast acceptance of telehealth by both patients and healthcare professionals is perhaps the most notable shift in the way healthcare is delivered that Covid-19 has brought about. There are several effects of telehealth. It has a big impact on the economics of far-off hospitals and isolated people, and it can improve access to care. Before the pandemic, 120 rural hospitals in America had closed, and 25% of the survivors faced a significant chance of doing the same. The danger has only risen due to COVID-19 (Telehealth, n.d.).

In response to the pandemic, most states moved to increase Medicaid telehealth coverage and access, especially for behavioral health care. For instance, almost all states increased or extended coverage for audio-only telehealth. Medicaid members used telehealth extensively during the pandemic, particularly for behavioral health treatments, as a result of these legislative changes. State and federal officials have expressed concern about the quality of treatments provided via telehealth in light of the fast expansion of Medicaid telehealth regulations and use. Although many states cite persistent concerns and ambiguity over how to properly measure quality, the majority of states have established or are developing programs to assess telehealth quality. States also detail efforts to address additional telehealth issues, such as fairness, program integrity, access to technology and bandwidth, outreach, and education (American Nurses Association, 2020). The majority of states have already implemented or are about to implement long-term Medicaid telehealth expansions, which include a widening of the permitted modalities, services, and providers. In the meanwhile, several states are thinking about putting restrictions on these laws, especially for audio-only telehealth.


American Nurses Association. (2020). Medicaid coverage of advanced practice nursing. ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/aprn/medicaid-coverage-of-advanced-practice-nursing/

Institute for Healthcare Improvement – IHI. (2019). Don Berwick Talks Politics and Health Care. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_-cGyplkIE

Sparkes, S. P., Bump, J. B., Özçelik, E. A., Kutzin, J., & Reich, M. R. (2019). Political Economy Analysis for Health Financing Reform. Health Systems & Reform, 5(3), 183–194. https://doi.org/10.1080/23288604.2019.1633874

Telehealth. (n.d.). ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/advocacy/telehealth/

Wilson, D. M., Underwood, L., Kim, S., Olukotun, M., & Errasti-Ibarrondo, B. (2021). How and why nurses became involved in politics or political action, and the outcomes or impacts of this involvement. Nursing Outlook, 70(1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2021.07.008

World Health Organization. (2021). Health financing. Www.who.int. https://www.who.int/health-topics/health-financing#tab=tab_1


This reflection is comprised of 2 segments, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. This activity is meant to provide the opportunity to apply your knowledge in preparation for the competency assessment.

Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.

1) Politics and Health Care

You watched the video Don Berwick Talks Politics and Health Care on YouTube.

In the video, Berwick states that “politics is the arena in which we play out our unspoken fundamental assumptions about the nature of human beings, about the way we deal with each other…”

Thoughtfully reflect to answer the following questions:

What on-ramps exist for politics to enter health care?

Do you agree or disagree that politics is the arena for the fight about the issue of who is responsible for financing health care? Provide evidence for your position.

Should you become politically active in order to fight for patients who need your care?

2) Health Care System Change

Watch the following segments from The Future of Health Care: Meeting of the Minds from the University Library:

Burden on Business

Creating a Better System

Solutions for America

Visit the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation website and search for the “Charting Nursing’s Future” section to explore the issues the foundation is prioritizing for the nursing profession. As you explore, consider what policies the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation prioritizes to improve quality and safety.

Read the following article from the American Nurses Association:

Ana Calls the Administration’s Court Filing to Overturn the Affordable Care Act ‘Unconscionable’

Answer the following:

What is 1 change you think needs to be made in the current health care system?

Support your position by citing professional literature or examples from your experience.

Note: Although references are not required, if you do use references in either section, please follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references. Use the APA Style Guide, 7th Edition.

Submit your reflection.


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